Monday, June 26, 2006

Why I will probably never write a book.

Sometimes I think I'd like to write a book. Then I think, god, I'd go through all that work to write the book, and it probably wouldn't get published. And then, if it did get published, I'd have to go on a book tour, which would be awful. Or else my publisher would not send me on a book tour, and the book would not sell, and then I'd have to look at it on remainders tables for years and years. And even if the book sold well, it wouldn't make me very much money, and then I'd have to write another book, hoping that that one might make me some money. Which it wouldn't.

So in the end it turns out that I'm lazy and unmotivated and not especially ambitious, and I probably don't have anything all that interesting to say, and spotty blog posts will thankfully never lead to exhausting book tours involving too much plane travel and hotel 'continental' breakfasts.

( And how will I ever get a job again if I keep posting stuff like this on the internets? "highly motivated self-starter" indeed. Reader hint: if I suddenly disappear off the face of the internet, assume that I am job-hunting rather than that I have been taken to Gitmo. Much as I hate and fear the current administration, I will admit that at present the first explanation is more likely than the second. Anyway, currently this blog does not appear on a google search for my real name. Now, if you search for "torture girl", that's another story...)


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