Bored Now.
I'm having a relapse of the pukes today, so have been lying in bed reading the internets. It's one of those days when no one seems to be updating their blogs fast enough. Which, hah, I should talk. So I'm listlessly refreshing netnewswire, which tells me only that Europe hates Bush, Florida continues to be a hallucinatory nightmare of a place, and I've missed a big argument on the feminist blog circuit about blow jobs and their place in the reproduction of patriarchy. Oh, and fut-ball fans attending World Cup games in underwear.
Oh wait, yay, some news. Episcopal Church backs down on gay bishops, in bid to prevent schism. Too bad. I say, what's a little schism? Not like there haven't been any before.
It's heartening to note that The Economist devoted its obituary page this week to Yasser Talal al-Zahrani, one of the young suicides at Guantánamo.
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