Thoughts on Torture, from Alberto Mora
In WaPo:
Whatever the ultimate historical judgment, it is established fact that documents justifying and authorizing the abusive treatment of detainees during interrogation were approved and distributed. These authorizations rested on three beliefs: that no law prohibited the application of cruelty; that no law should be adopted that would do so; and that our government could choose to apply the cruelty -- or not -- as a matter of policy depending on the dictates of perceived military necessity.
The fact that we adopted this policy demonstrates that this war has tested more than our nation's ability to defend itself. It has tested our response to our fears and the measure of our courage. It has tested our commitment to our most fundamental values and our constitutional principles.
We should care because the issues raised by a policy of cruelty are too fundamental to be left unaddressed, unanswered or ambiguous. We should care because a tolerance of cruelty will corrode our values and our rights and degrade the world in which we live. It will corrupt our heritage, cheapen the valor of the soldiers upon whose past and present sacrifices our freedoms depend, and debase the legacy we will leave to our sons and daughters. We should care because it is intolerable to us that anyone should believe for a second that our nation is tolerant of cruelty. And we should care because each of us knows that this issue has not gone away.
For those of you who don't know, Mora was kicking and screaming about the OLC's legal opinions long, long before Sy Hersh knew anything about Abu Ghraib. The man is the genuine article.
Happy Memorial Day Weekend! May it find you (and me! - oh wait, too late for me) puke-free.
I wish I could agree. What I think that Gitmo has tested is our attentiveness to political reality. Most Americans overwhelmingly prefer "reality." That leaves the field free for the bad hats who don't believe anything but that they can get away with whatever they want to do.
Hope you're feeling better!
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