This is a transcript of George W. Bush's State of the Union address from last week.Today our nation lost a courageous mother, a loving wife, and a helpmeet to the nation. Tonight we are comforted by the fact that I will no longer have to endure her endless harassments during my extended ranch vacations. Tonight, some NSA investigators removed Cindy Sheehan in an unmarked van; she won’t be heard from again. God rest your soul, Mrs. Sheehan.
Each time I step up to this podium thingy, I smirk condescendingly at the lot of you pathetic bastards kowtowing to me. It makes me feel powerful; it makes me feel hard. We have gathered here today under this Capitol dome to celebrate the remarkable, honorable achievements of my Administration. We are living through trying times, and I plan to win against those times. I and nobody else. I accept responsibility for the accolades; I will not accept defeat or defeatism.
In a great country like ours, which once was run by two parties, we will on occasion allow a token size of dissentionizing from the positions designated by my patriotic Administration. We will feign civility while preparing our devices of infinite justice to be used when the public has lost interest. The castor oil funnels. The waterboards. The nipple electrodes. The suffocation bags. By using or merely threatening to use these on our opponents, we will squelch unpatriotic speech; speech that degrades the public morality. The public space. The public sphere. The public mind. The public fluids. Tonight, the state of our great, God-blessed nation is strong and rock-hard, and getting more so even as we speak.
The year that I act decisively is the year that you know that it’s time to drop a load in your pants. We will choose to defy all of those who would smirk in disgust and advocate defeatism, death, decay, moral turpitude, or retreat from the motoring way of life. We will increase prosperity among the very wealthiest of us, and since the wealthiest of our citizens are the most generous and morally superior, we can naturally assume they will spread their wealth – and their goodness – to their inferiors. In a globally interdependent time like this, the only way to defend our peace, our way of life, our monster trucks, is to assure safety and security for the wealthiest among us. Anything else would be folly. Following? No! Leading is what the American people do best, and lead they will, as the great Thomas Jefferson said, “With a Feare in thine Heart of Our Lord Jesus.” So leading it is, and leaders we will be.
Abroad, we are committed to reshaping the worldscape in the best way we know how. Violence. Depradations. Hummvees. Hummer H2s. Explosions. Strip malls. Strip searches. We seek to spread American Democracy throughout the world. Some would say that that is an elusive goal. Some would argue that it’s not fair. Some traitors would even say it’s unjust. (In Texas, we know how to deal with such people. We don’t have a lot of trees in Texas. But we have a lot of rope. And we know where the trees are. Enough said.) But after September 11, 2001, September 11th happened. You remember that fateful day. With a tear in my eye, I courageously flew from Air Force base to Air Force base, personally torturing and then eviscerating every terrorist that I found on site. (And defecating on their mauled corpses.) And then followed the heroic event with the bullhorn in Ground Zero of World Trade City. No American – no free citizen of the world – can forget the heroism that went on there that day, atop the smoldering heap of World Trade City. Because terror is terrifying, and we are united and strong. And since we are strong and united, we will defeat terrorism. Terrorism will not continue, because it will be defeated by us. By any means that are required. By all means that we have available. Freedom is the cause for which all of us work. And there is no greater work than freedom. And after September 11th, I stood my ground and together, the American people made freedom ring! And march!
The advance of freedom is not a hopeless dream. Would you call its forward march futile? It is not! It is something that will continue, despite the attempts of dictators like Osama bin Laden and Jacques Chirac to stop it. In 2000, thanks to the perfidy of Bill Clinton and the United Nations, there were under a dozen democracies in the world – and that’s counting Puerto Rico separately from the rest of the USA. Today, thanks to my efforts, there are 122. And we’re going to make more. A whole lot more. We’ve got folks linin’ up in the streets of Afghanistan, Iraq, and San Marino to have their voices counted. Their voices counted. Their fingers tattooed in purple ink to indicate their permanent commitment to democracy. Their bodies dissipated into a reddish spray, in a deafening boom. Even in Syria. Sudan. Burma. Iran. Zimbabwe. They are free, and getting freer. Freedom is on the march. Even Iran, our greatest enemy, the ally of Osama bin Laden, is becoming more free, because the demands of justice insist that freedom progress like an influenza virus, but in a good way.
TerrismNo one will ever again be permitted to deny the inexorable forward march of freedom. I have authorized the various branches of our Federal government to assure that – much like a private insurance company, except one backed by an army, torture centers, and nuclear weapons. (Oh, and don’t forget napalm.) And, of course, radical Islam will once again be rearing its ugly head. Much like the fanaticisms it encourages, we will remove our dagger from its scabbard, and decapitate that head. Once the head has been decapitated, we will force-feed it to traitors and subversives within our own homeland. Terrorists like Osama bin Laden may talk a tough game, but they don’t have the nukes. Not yet, anyway. Not much we can do to keep from getting them, either, so me must be watchful. Watchfulness is our watchword. And the onward march of freedom is also our watchword!
Their aim is to consolidate their power in France and use it as a safe haven to launch attacks against America and the true patriots and freedom marchers of the world. Lacking the military strength to take out our nucular missile silos, they choose cowardly gestures like killing everybody in that school there in Russia. Or blowing up folks tryin’ to get to work in London. (A bit baffled myself why those folks weren’t driving to work in armor-plated SUVs, followed by a security detail.) But, as a Christian, I have always said: an eye for an eye. The terrists kill a school full of children, we wipe Fallujah off the map. And we did! And there was light. Those who doubt our motivations give comfort and release to our enemies. They become one with our enemies. They attempt to impede the onward march of freedom. To stop that march is to show contempt for our Lord. And for them, there cannot be mercy.
America rejects the false comfort of rationalism. We are the nation that saved Europe from communism, fascism, and baccarat. We liberated the United Kingdom from its non-decimal monetary system. We rose democracies, we ran them up the flagpole, ran them to heights humans had never been before. We defeated an evil empire. We sank Hitler’s toy ship; sank it deep in the cake. We shook up his house and we bent his new rake. We oppressed the oppressors and freed the unfree. And what did freedom do? Continued its forward march – ever onward!
We remain somewhat committed to stopping terror networks, although frankly I think we’re making more progress by domestic surveillance; covert “abuse”; and extraordinary – what are they, Dick? Renminbi? Right, Renditions. We are on the offensive in Afghanistan. Against those who would stop the march of freedom in Iraq, where a fine president, a fine Parliament, and seven armed police officers are staving off the slavering, rabid, murderous hordes of Islam. We are creating the democracy of the Middle East from our very own flesh; while flesh turns out to be less malleable than clay or plasticine, it turns out you can’t make a democracy out of clay. As for plasticine, we’re running out of raw petrochem materials; more on that later.
Eye-RackWe are totally offensive in Eye-Rack, with an unbelievably muddled plan that will lead to tens of thousands of deaths, and which will sow chaos that will leave thousands more dead. First of all, we’re getting our first foot marching forward constructing an inclusive, possibly even non-religious government, which will quash old resentments, which will not need to suffer dissenting opinions, and which will marginalize – and, hopefully, exterminate – every member of the insurgency, and anybody related to any insurgent (if you’re a 3rd cousin, you’ll probably get off with just a couple of waterboardings.) Third, we are still looking for WMD. Some of the cynical among you – those who appear on the Domestic Traitors List (CFR 5.2419) – sorry, I didn’t just say that aloud, did I ? – Never mind. Anyway, some cynics, some opposed to the inexorable forward march of F-R-E-E-D-O-M, for those of you at home who know how to spell, might be wondering why we didn’t just fabricate evidence of WMD. And to those people, I’ll say this: September 11th, 2001. Iraqi Bin Laden. Valerie “Hitler” Plame. Not sure what else you need to know there.
Anyhoo, that country has gone from dictatorship to liberation in three mere excruciating years. “Excruciating,” for those of you who don’t know that word, well, we don’t use words like that in Texas, but I understand it’s a lot like “liberating.” More keywords: victory, troops home, lead (both as in “to lead” and as in “eat hot lead, you A-rabs”), coalition, freedom, Washington, D.C., homeland.
In the coming year, I will appear at vetted audiences, make sure that protesters are arrested, and will feign soliciting feedback from the American people. Hindsight is not wisdom, but it is 20/20. Second guessing is not a strategy. And the wisdom of the American people who agree with my quest is not to be undermined, examined, or questioned.
Our courageous, uninsured boys and girls in uniform are making sacrifices. They’re dutiful. As of tomorrow, Feburary 1st, 2006, they will all sign a personal oath of allegiance to the Commander-in-Chief, yours truly, so as to ensure complete loyalty. They know what it’s like when one of their comrades isn’t loyal. Back in the’Nam, where I proudly served this country, there was a term called “fragging.”
Marine Staff Sgt. Dan Clay was killed yesterday in a dank basement in a former Securitate torture center in Romania. He had begun to express opposition to the war, so we – wait, what, Dick? Sorry, folks, let’s rewind a few seconds. Marine Staff Sgt. Dan Clay was killed last month fighting in Fallujah. His dying words, as his buddy Cpl. Clay Dan later told his family, were “Make sure that Little Billy takes his chocolate milk on Tuesdays. Give him my flag. And don’t forget about Jesus, and how the Holy father himself created all of the animals.” Then Sgt. Clay expired, Cpl. Dan ritually cremated the body by throwing it into the ruins of a smoldering house, and burned Sergeant Clay’s uniform and personal effects in a barrel, because that’s how Sergeant Clay would have wanted it.
Staff Sgt. Dan Clay’s wife, Lisa, and his mom and dad, Sara Jo and Bud, are with us this evening. Little Billy turned out to be quite the teenage anarcho-syndicalist, so he wasn’t exactly welcome under the Capitol dome. But Lisa, Sara Jo and Bud sure are happy to help create this veneer of a democracy! And I’m grateful to them, and you are too. The American military is the backbone of our society, and without a backbone, what is a society? A jellyfish. And what is a backbone without a society? It’s a dessicated skeleton fragment, that’s what it is.
Other Concerns AbroadTerror is not only terrifying, but it is also offensive. As such, we must go on the offensive against it. The only way to kill the terrorists is to reduce their hateful vision of hatred and fear to a smoldering, plutonium-contaminated ruin. So the United States of America supports tactical use of nucular weapons across the Middle East.
Show elections are vital, but they are just the beginning. Running a democracy up the flagpole means several things. Rule. Law. Preventing minorities. Institutions of all types that last far longer than you could ever have imagined, and do far more than you will ever know. The great people of Egypt have just voted in an election that was rigged, just like the great people of America did. So it’s like we’re kissing cousins. And that’s the opposite of Islamic radicalism.
The Palestinian people voted in an election too. Let’s be frank: that didn’t work out too well. How about Saudi Arabia, though? They’ve got a vibrant democracy. A robust economy. The most liberated female workforce in Western Asia. The most equitable distribution of income between Jordan and Oman. And a healthy inclusion of religion into the public space, because God belongs not only in our hearts, but in our classrooms and tattooed acrosst our chests -- sorry, Ken. (That one’s for my main man Ken Mehlman. He’s a Jew. Jews don’t get tattoos, apparently.)
Iran is a country of great oil, and many people. And I just heard the most amazing, amazing thing! Did you know that they’re not even Arabs? Coulda fooled me. And those oil reserves are really, really impressive, even if in decline. (More about that later.)
Tonight, I have a few words for the people of Iran: “I love you. I am with you, but not against you. Are you with me? Because those who are not with us are against us. The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic. Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?”
Dangers. There are a lot of them in the world. We must offensivize them by incenting economic growths, and launching preemptive strikes against disease. Hope, also. We must airlift bulk quantities of it to hopeless lands, so that the hope supply may be replenished. Dangerous internal enemies would have us isolate. Isolateism gives comfort and more comfort to our enemies, and also encourages them. Yet still, we must compassionize abroad, because Americans are a profoundly Jesus-ridden people who think that even a fetid African villager with AIDS, or a South American greaser with malaria can be led to salvation. We are compassionate, because as Americans, that’s what we do. Also, we lead. We lead and we compassion.
Recently, we have taken unprecedented inaction towards AIDS and malaria. Obviously, the populations have not been receptive, since these people don’t simply choose the simple choice of abstinence? It’s almost like they want to get AIDS, and malaria. Still, the march of progress – and freedom – continues.
Shortchanging my initiatives in combating disease would only rain down holy retribution on our internal traitors. I urge all members of Congress to approve my pending initiatives in advance, in order that I might work faster to spread goodiness throughout the world, even the poor parts.
Heimatsicherheit Our homeland must also be very offensive against terrorism in the “soft targets” of the Republican-voting heartland. The list of places – our “Roster of Fear” -- is endless. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Bartlett, Oklahoma. Shawnee Mission, Kansas. Muscle Shoals, Alabama. It’s obvious that the terries will attack these places next, and that’s why I’ve chosen to lavish those barely-populated, politically overrepresented areas with vast federal funds to combat terrism. Also, any Congressional traitor not voting to reauthorize the USA PATRIOT Act will be incarcerated after this speech. If atheists and dissenters are allowed to operate freely in Alabama, there is nothing to stop the terriss.
It’s said that on 9/11, the attacks of September 11th happened. And that our government failed to act. Well, I’ll tell you what. There’s no way that we could have know that anything was going to happen. We simply were not aware of any plans, thanks to the successful anti-intelligence, pro-terrorist efforts of the Clinton-Gore years. So if you’re looking to mete out some divine retribution, look no further than Westchester and Nashville.
We now know that terriss have been known to use telephones. Therefore, to protect the great American people – this amazing collective flesh – I have personally authorized wiretapping, without the cumbersome interference of the court system. Our courts are crawling with unideintified ACLU members and other terrorist operatives. In order to keep the American people safe, we can, and will, continue to listen in on telephone conversations. Nobody is going to prevent me from personally rescuing the American people. And you can take that to the bank.
Our own destiny is tied to the timeless conflict against terror, terrism, and hatred of all kinds. American leaders, except my predecessor, have all known this, and acted accordingly. And accordingly, I ask you and yours for you and yours. Support, that is. And there we have it.
Economic AgendaHere, in these great United States, we are offered the uniquely unique opportunity. Of building our country. Of prosperitizing the prosperous. Of strengthening the leadership of America in the world.
Our economy is strong and hard, and growing stronger. And hard, and fast. Since I last addressed you on this here podium thingy, we have added well over 7.8 billion jobs, more than the number of people currently living on earth. Even in the face of challenges like high energy prices, the American people have met the challenge by continuing their freedom-affirming 100-mile commutes in their enormous SUVs. And for that, we are the envy of the world.
The American economy is dominant, but we cannot pretend to be the only economy on earth. Because there are other economies as well. China. India. Kellogg. Brown. And Root. And those are things to be afraid of, so naturally my opponents revive the ancient specters of yore. Poverty. Isolationism. Some would say that government should play a positive role in their lives, rather than an invasive, negative one. And to those somes, I say this: the conservaterian movement – the compassionate one – has always been about saying one thing and doing another. The mouth says small gummint. The hand – the well-lubricated hand – increases the gummint. But it’s not out of callow hypocrisy. It’s out of a firm, solid love for the American corpus. And that’s a fancy-pants way of saying “the public.”
Keeping America competitive begins at home. What does it mean? It means growing our economy. And all that takes is more consumption. More money to spend. More money to save, but also to spend. On goods. Services. Products. Other things that are produced, and other things that are consumed. All of the above. My tax relief plan will create growth opportunities for hundreds of Americans. And as we continue to erode the tax systems, the opportunities for those on top will only increase. And for those in the middle and at the bottom of our sushi-economic speculum, as the tops are inclined – and incentivized by our society -- to fully incentivize the bottoms.
Energy InitiationsKeeping America competitive requires oil. Huge, tremendous amounts of oil. And we are going do do what we can to keep getting that oil – even if it means war.
The best way to keep getting this oil is to avoid developing alternative energy programs, and above all, never succumbing to the weakness of attempting to reduce energy usage. Reducing usage would be an attack on the American way of life, and I as your president will not permit that. Not now, not ever. Those who would attack the God-given right to live in a 4000-square-foot house and drive alone for two hours a day in a Chevy Suburban would be those who would attempt to deny Americans their life. And that will not stand, any more than freedom will not simply lie down and refuse to march.
We will, where it suits our business cronies, develop some ridiculous boondoggles. Ethanol, for example. What better a way is there to pretend we’re reducing hydrocarbon usage when, in fact, we’re using more coal, oil, and natural gas to produce the stuff? We as Republicans get the additional electoral bonus of fealty from the Congressionally overrepresented voters in the flyover states. How about hydrogen? We are well on the way to a hydrogen economy! We haven’t figured out how to store hydrogen on a mass scale, and we are much further away from figuring out how to produce it without just burning hydrocarbons, and simply displacing CO2 emissions. But we are getting there, and getting further every day. The hydrogen economy, much like freedom, marches forward. Actually, it’s marching with freedom. Together, hand in hand. Does freedom have a hand? I think it does. Does hydrogen? Well, I guess you could consider the one electron to be a “hand.” So, hand in electron, then.
And to keep American competitive, one commitment is necessary, even more necessary than other necessities. We must continue to lead the world in human creationist talent. Our most bloated advantage has been our obese, SUV-driving, Republican-voting fundamentalist Christians. They fund the American way of life. And to throw them a bone, I am tonight announcing the American Competitive Initiative, to encourage innovation throughout our economy, put an end to the anticompetitive field of so-called stem cell research, and squelch our country’s most important scientists. And do little else of import.
First, I propose to double the Federal defense budget. This funding will serve two purposes. First, it will provide bacon to major defense contractors, providing tens of thousands of jobs. Second, I propose to end taxes permanently on the top tier of earners, to spur innovation, investment, and education. With more research in both the public and private sectors, we will improve our quality of life and ensure that America will lead the world in opportunity and innovation for numerous, maybe even endless decades to come.
Third, we need to find out some way for children to learn more math-type education, and also some of this so-called science stuff. Some people say it’s critical to our competitionness levels, and they’re probably right. I don’t really know what they’re talking about, and you probably don’t either. The No Child Left Behind Act, though unfunded, should probably take care of this problem, addressing such things as Advanced Placement courses in mathiness and scientology, and stopping so-called stem-cell research, and saving anencephalic patients from having their feeding tubes disconnected.
Preparing our great nation to compete in this world is a shareable goal, for each and every one of us, even for minorities. I urge you to support this initiative, whatever it was that I called it, even though it will be utterly forgotten three days from today. Together, we will show the world what American means when America says it means business. Or education, or mathautomatics, or scientism, or whatever.
‘A Hopeless Society’America is a great force for marching freedom and galloping prosperity. Yet our greatness is not measured in power or luxuries, but in megawatts and Rolexes. So we strive to be a kick-ass society, survival of the fittest. Bring ‘em on!
In recent years, thanks to me and Vice President Cheney, America has become a more hopeful nation. Violent crime: finished, since I personally reinstated the death penalty nationwide. Welfare queendom: Over, since I signed legislation abolishing it. Drug use: No longer an issue. It is almost miraculous, but the fact that we say that it is true makes it so.
These gains are evidence of my quiet omnipotence, as well as my potent potency. It is a quiet revolution, a revolution where a thousand flowers may bloom, and where freedom may march hand in hand with personal responsibility. (I’m pretty sure that personal responsibility does in fact have a hand.) My government, though not that of my predecessor, has played a role in this potent revolution. And every person here tonight, every one of you Republicans, has a right – nay, a responsibility, a duty – to be proud of this record.
Yet some Americans, mostly people I would hesitate to call real Americans, appear to have concerns about the direction of our culture and the health of our most basic institutions. While it is true that some Hollywood liberals are still permitted to craft anti-family and anti-American propaganda at an unpresidented level, I say to you: Be patient. We will take care of this problem. Other Americans, who may not be treasonous but are still misguided, may have other fears. Disease. Terrism. But they need not fear, for those who have accepted Jesus into their hearts will be welcomed into the Kingdom of Heaven.
A hopeless society – the one that I am building, together your help – depends on absolute subservience to me and my principles. Once you can establish that article of faith with me and the Republican Party, you no longer will be requirous of hopes or needs of your own. A hopeless society depends on courts absolutely dedicated to executive privilege and compassionate principles. The Supreme Court now has two terrifyingly superb new members on its bench, Chief Justice John “Bob” Roberts and Justice Sam Alito. I thank the Senate for rubber-stamping both their confirmations. I will continue to nominate compassionate men and women who understand that judges must be servants of the executive, and must not legislate from the bench.
Today marks the official retirement of a very special American. For 24 years of faithful service to our nation, the United States is thankful that Justice Sandra Day O’Connor is retiring. Justices Breyer, Ginsburg, Souter, and Stevens: I’ve got your number.
A hopeless society has a resolve of steel and a backbone of glass. It has the heart of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the intestine of our Speaker of the House of Representatives, Denny Hastert. It has mediciney and sciency institutions that to not tread on the word of the Lord. Tonight I ask you to pass legislation to prohibit any further meaningful medical research, especially anything having to do with human-animal hybrids, embryos, Petri dishes, fetuses, or genetics. Human life is a gift from the Lord Almighty, and that gift shouldn’t be tampered with in any fashion.
A hopeless society expects all officials to do the bidding of a corrupt central government. Spineless cowards in both my party and in the token opposition have pledged to weaken remaining ethical standards in Washington, and Lord knows I support their efforts. Each of us has made a pledge to be worthy of that bizarre mantra catchphrase “personal responsibility,” and that is a pledge that you can take to the bank, when you are marching to it during the 4th of July parade, hand in hand with freedom.
A hopeless society pledges aid to fellow citizens in times in suffering and emergency, stays around for photo ops, and then evaporates. And that’s just what we’re doing in New Orleans. We have pledged well over $987 billion to the people of the Gulf Coast, and we’ll keep talking about that figure, and we have delivered a lot of that aid already – well over $1.2 million dollars, by some optimistic measures. The city is finished, gone, not to return, but we will be certain that rapacious real-estate developers can build enormously wasteful McMansions on the cleared land. In New Orleans and in other places, many of our fellow citizens have felt the cool machined carbon steel of a silenced 9mm semiautomatic at the backs of their necks, and heard the quiet pop.
A hopeless society knows better than to address diseases like HIV/AIDS, and knows to blame a marginalized population for its spread. In fact, that same marginalized population might be a very good scapegoat for other further diseases. Scapegoats are a wonderful, wonderful thing for those who seek to consolidate power – power that is required to run American homes and businesses, to keep the American economy humming, and to energize the ongoing miracle that is America.
Fellow citizens, I have been installed at the helm in a period of consequence. We have entered a great conflict that we would never have had any way of forseeing, and that we never, ever had any role in creating. We see threatening changes in science. We know that the best approach to red-alert level emergencies like global warning is to discredit the messenger, since if you don’t name the problem, it doesn’t exist.
And yet the stopping point of history is determined by human action, and at every great turning point, there comes a point of turning. Lincoln could have accepted peace at the cost of a shabbily refinished White House bathroom. Martin Luther King could have had a happy job as a short-order fry cook. The United States could have allowed the permanent division of Europe – and could even have been complicit in the oppression of others – which never happened, of course. Today, having come far in our own journey, will we decide if we turn back, or finish, or will we reverse course toward an uncertain, unknowable future? The turning point comes, and we arrive at it. We have no plans to be anything less than utterly ruthless in our pursuit of human freedom - the destination to which humans strive to march.
Before history is written down in those printed thingies what my mother, “the Enforcer,” harps about – huh? Yeah, books – it is written in the blood of courage. Like Americans before us, we will pour our blood as ink all over that page. Will we finish? Yes! And well, to boot. We will lead freedom’s advance, and will also cause it to march forward. We will continue to direct, in a God-like fashion, everything in the world. We will renew our commitment to the Lord Almighty. And so we move forward, hand in hand with freedom, optimistic about our country, faithful to the flag and to the apple pie, and confident of devastating victories to come.
May the Lord Jesus Christ continue to spew his blessing across America.