Thursday, April 20, 2006

I am throwing up a little in my mouth, as they say

No really, readers, I am. I've been meaning to tell you about it but I've been too busy feeling like death to bother. But we've just received a note from our fellow blogger R.J., at the Daily Blague, wondering if we are dead or moving to New Zealand or what, and also what we think of that paper on the Israel Lobby. I don't know what we think of that paper on the Israel Lobby, I haven't followed it very closely. But I do know what I think about headlines and leads like this, appearing (on Alternet, no less) in 2006:

Bush's '16 Words' Were False
By Jason Leopold, AlterNet. Posted April 20, 2006.

A newly declassified State Department memo provides the first hard evidence that the Bush administration manipulated and ignored intelligence in their thirst for war.
And it makes me throw up a little bit in my mouth. It's like being stuck in that awful Groundhog Day movie, where everything keeps happening over and over again. Next week there will be an article about how it turns out the U.S. was torturing prisoners by making them masturbate for video cameras. Shocking new evidence! the headline will read. "We do not condone this depraved behavior" the new press guy will say. "The perpetrators will be tried and punished." If it weren't so grotesque it would be tedious.

Actually, everything makes me throw up a little bit in my mouth. Max puts his cologne on in the morning, and my stomach turns over. I climb the stairs and get dizzy and gag. Whole neighborhoods smell like nothing but rancid cooking oil to me. I feel comsumptive. I sleep twelve hours a night and it's not enough, I wake up drenched in sweat, I dream of nothing more than resting in my bed with a cool breeze and no strong smells at all, fed 12 times a day with plain pasta with butter.

It is shaping up to be a long, long 9 months. As my mother said to me the other day, "I've been through pregnancy and through chemotherapy, and they feel about the same."

stupid t-shirt

I just saw a T-shirt for sale in South Station that incorporates most of the aspects of the Boston character that i dislike: tribalism, parochialism, church-centric metaphors, misogyny, resentment galore. It reads:


For those kind readers who don't know who Johnny Damon is, he was a highly paid Red Sox member who defected to the hated New York Yankees. I really couldn't conceivably care less.
I also don't know what the big deal is -- every baseball player is a well-remunerated mercenary; it's not unique to Damon.

Monday, April 03, 2006

When does the Rude Pundit not rule?

From today's fabulous, as almost always, Rude Pundit:
Hell, there's even a movement to get March 31 declared "Terri Schiavo Day," a national holiday where we'll all celebrate by staring blankly around our rooms, shitting ourselves and forcing our loved ones to blow all their savings on our futile existence while we just hope the day gets over with as quickly as possible.