Wednesday, February 11, 2004

The Fat Lady has sung

Good morning all. It's 6A.M. and I've just finished reading the Wes Clark Weblog to see how Clarkies are taking the news. Most are reacting pretty well, a few are denying the obvious, a few are saying they will never support Kerry, but most are thankful the Wes made the run and that he had an effect on the campaign and the message the democrats are taking to the country. It is hoped that most if not all Clarkies will support Kerry, we are afterall not Deaniacs, at least some of whom seem to have a Nader like desire to see everything in terms of black and white {sounds like our president doesn't it}. Yes Kerry is an insider, yes Kerry does support special interests at times, yes he is a one of the elite, but he's our insider and anybody who says he wouldn't be better than Bush needs to review what has happened to our country over the last three years and think about what it will be like after four more years of Bush.

Clark as an outsider offered the possibility of fundamental change in Washington. He was not beholden to the special interests, he could bring back government by the people for the people. He was a man of integrity seeking a job in which integrity is usually not considered a requirement, and is occassionly a hinderance. We were all dreaming. It wasn't going to happen, the special interests wouldn't let it. There was too much at stake to let an outsider take over. But even if he had won he couldn't have made the changes we all feel are necessary, the system wouldn't have let him.

So now we face the reality of an election between two insiders, one whose an idiot and one who is merely boring. Kerry may be boring but he's not Bush. I got into this campaign because I believed that Bush had to be replaced and that Clark had the best chance to do that. Apparently the electorate in the states that have held primaries don't agree with my assessment. So be it. The goal is to defeat Bush and I will work to that end with all my heart, not just for me but for Amy, Max and little Ari.



Saturday, February 07, 2004

Here comes the Fat Lady

It's interesting that last week you could find polls for every race updated almost daily and this week I can’t find a recent poll to save my life. Maybe in the end that will be good since the polls have been driving this race rather than the other way around. If a candidate is doing poorly in the polls his supporters start to doubt their judgement and his numbers erode further.

This seems to have been a better week for Clark with the media . Not the national media per se but the local media. There seems to be lots of coverage of Clark’s rather mild attacks on Kerry and Edwards. Its interesting that when Wes is sticking to positive themes like his vision for America his coverage is negative or minimal, but when he attacks his rivals that becomes big news. It’s the train wreck mentality of the media negative {bad news} sells good news is ignored. As I said in the previous post Clark has nothing to lose at this point. None of the attacks have been personal or nearly as nasty as he got from Kerry who questioned his Democratic credentials in New Hampshire.

It looks like Kerry will be the nominee, much as I hate to admit it. Not because I dislike Kerry, but because I like Clark so much. I think it’s time for as outsider to be elected. Both parties have been coopted by big business, the Democrats less so than the Republicans, and maybe Clark could have changed that. Of course I also believe in the tooth fairy and santa claus. Make no mistake, however, Kerry is infinitely better than Bush and this blog will support him wholehardedly.

But as someone whose identity escapes me at the moment once said, “it ain’t over till the fat lady sings” and she ain’t sung yet. So go Wes win one for the gipper.


Friday, February 06, 2004

Do you believe in miracles

Well here we are praying for a miracle. I would say not a chance but four weeks ago John Kerry was praying for one and presto he’s the odds on favorite, so anything can happen and probably will in this crazy primary season. Let’s drag this out to the convention, Rove wouldn’t know who to attack . He would have to go after all three and that would be hard to sell to the public. Besides with three democrats flailing away at Bush and the media covering it we might be able to drive his numbers below zero where they belong. This throw away nomination suddenly looks like it might be valuable.

Wes is truly a long shot now, but maybe that will help as he can now let it all hang out. The pressure is off, the media are ignoring him so he has nothing to loose by telling the unvarnished truth. Also we get an opportunity to see how Kerry reacts to being the front runner and whether there are any skeletons in his closet that we need to know about before he is crowned.

Although I am a Clark man through and though and still believe he is the most electable of the democrats it now looks like almost any Democrat except Dean might be able to defeat Bush. A lot of things are coming to a head and none of them bode well for Bush. {see talking points or carpetbagger for details} Both Kerry and Edwards would make good presidents, but they carry far more baggage for Rove to shoot at than Clark. That’s the advantage of being an outsider, less of a record to be attacked on.

Wes is putting all his marbles in Tenn. If he wins it the game is on , at least for a few more weeks and then who knows. Florida may come into play after all. In the mean time I wish they would get the Wesley Clark Weblog up and running, I’m lost without it.


Tuesday, February 03, 2004

A Prayer for the Country

To our loyal readers; we are sorry for the lack of posts recently but, I was in South Carolina without my computer and Amy is in St. Martin taking a break from the brutal Boston winter.

We had our Feb. meet up last night and the turn out was great considering that the press has written us off. We had people from all walks of life, and all political persuasions attend, and the two unifying principals common to all was a belief that Wes Clark would make a great president and that come what may George Bush had to be defeated in November by whichever candidate won the Democratic nomination.

The reality is that today's primaries are make or break not only for Wes but for all the other candidates as well. Either the Kerry train will be slowed tonight or it will go on and win the nomination easily. This is a train that three weeks ago didn’t have an engine. The power of the media to make or break a candidacy is astounding and very frightening. If Clark can prevail tonight and gain some momentum it will truly be a miracle considering the lack of media coverage as well as the slanderous coverage of the right wing media orchestrated by the RNC.

I am not a religious person as those of you who know me can attest, but tonight I am saying a prayer for our country. I am praying for two things the defeat of George Bush and the election of a truly great man who can unite the vast majority of this country who are fed up with politics as usual and want something better for their children and grandchildren. That man is Wes Clark.
