Monday, February 27, 2006

Excellent distillation from Glenn Greenwald on the wingnuts' reactions to the Mohammed cartoons

As I’ve said before, I believe the press ought to publish those cartoons as a means of defending their right to publish ideas free of intimidation and attack. But the very last people from whom we ought to be hearing sermons about the importance of free expression and a free press -- and about the accompanying duty of the press to publish even those ideas which provoke controversy, outrage and offense -- are Bush supporters, who are plainly engaged in a serious crusade to punish any journalists who express ideas which they dislike or which they believe produce undesirable consequences.


At 12:49 PM, Blogger R J Keefe said...

It's an interesting piece, if sickening to read. Why don't the media stand up for a free press? Because they're corporations with shareholders.

Our vanishing res publica.


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