Monday, January 29, 2007

House Dreams

When my dad was visiting a couple of weeks ago, he asked: "All things being equal, Amy, would you like to live in a house someday?"

Sure, I said. If I had 3 million dollars to spend on it. Given our constraints, no. We like urban life. I wish I had space for a huge vegetable garden, and a small orchard, and a little corner of wild, and I wish I had a window in my kitchen, and that I didn't have to climb 3 flights of stairs to reach my apartment, and be condo association treasurer, and justify my compost bin to the neighbors. But we are very happy in the neighborhood we're in, and to buy a house in this neighborhood, we'd have to be much richer. Hell, to buy our apartment, we'd have to be much richer. We got lucky in the real estate market, and live in a condo that is now, five years after we bought it, above our means.

So, here we are.

But if, say, we had a sudden windfall, I might like to live in a house like this. (via Treehugger)


At 10:01 AM, Blogger Jude M said...

I do fantasy real estate shopping periodically. I mean, we love the House of Red Doors, but it's huge and too close to neighbors and a screamingly busy street for us.

However, I think that pretty much anything here might also be too big for us, even if they DO look awfully snazzy.


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