Saturday, January 20, 2007

My Hard Drive is Mortally Wounded, and other news

So says my disk utility. My hard drive is so mortally wounded that the disk utility itself crashes while trying to figure out what's wrong with my hard drive. In any case, it can't be fixed. It's hard to know how long it'll hang on for; like Art Buchwald, maybe it'll live a year past when it started refusing dialysis, but maybe it will die tomorrow. I am proud of myself for not ignoring the signs of impending doom (weird crashing, the sudden loss of most of my email inbox for no apparent reason...) and bothering to back up stuff. Which is a pain. And no, I don't manage to back up routinely. Just like I don't manage to floss my kid's teeth every night. (Hah, I said to the chick from the dentist's office when she asked about that. I do not have an extra hour every day for fighting with my child. Did you know you're supposed to brush and floss your kid's teeth yourself until the kid is 10 or 12? Because they can't do a good job themselves until then. You are also supposed to take your kid to the dentist every six months starting when he is 6 months old. Hah. And Hah. If we manage to get a toothbrush into Ari's mouth once a day for a couple of minutes, we count ourselves grateful and move on with our lives.

Other things the experts tell me to do that I ignore include: not letting Aya sleep in bed with me. Not having honey anywhere near her, because she might look at it and somehow get infant botulism and die. Putting her face down on the floor when she's awake so she'll cry and struggle and freak out in what they rather cheerily call "tummy time" because otherwise she'll never, ever develop her neck muscles. Remember which side her head was turned when I've put her to sleep, on her back (in a crib, of course, see above) and turn her head the other direction next time I put her to sleep, so that she doesn't get a funny-looking head. Give her vitamin drops because she otherwise might not get enough vitamin D.

Hah. Hah. and Hah.

I have spent the entire morning so far figuring out what I need to back up from my computer and moving it to a drive somewhere on the network. God, I have a lot of crap on my computer. The 10 episodes of Battlestar Galactica that I broke down and bought from iTunes took the most time. When is the next episode coming?? I must know what happens to Starbuck! When I get my new hard drive and my computer all set up again, I will start in on Veronica Mars too. Oh, iTunes, you are a bad influence on me.


At 5:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought my laptop harddrive was behind recovering and was able to fix it using one or two of the utilities on this:

If you scroll down the page you'll see that there are a number of harddrive utilities. I can't remember which one I used, but it may have been the Salvation scan and repair tool. It took a looooong time, but worked :) Sometimes not booting up into windows and running non-windows disk tools gets you better results.


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