Monday, January 02, 2006

"Unilaterally changing the law"

Charles Schumer on Fox News:
"A discussion, perhaps a change in the law," he said, "those are all legitimate. Unilaterally changing the law because the vice president or president thinks it's wrong, without discussing the change, that's not the American way."
I am sure this was a slip of the tongue on Schumer's part, but I don't like hearing him say that the president unilaterally changed the law. He did not unilaterally change the law. He broke the law. The fact that his lawyers, after having their arms twisted, agreed to his breaking the law does not mean he didn't break the law. The mob has lawyers too, you know.

Illegal. Illegal. Illegal. Illegal Wiretapping. As Digby says, that is the issue.


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