Saturday, December 24, 2005

secret to regular blog posts

Write any old thing you goddamn please! Who cares about being coherent, or making important political points about torture, as per blog title? Just babble. It's better than dead air!

Brother: "Biscuit report? You never make biscuits!"
Me: "I did that once".
Brother: "You didn't use enough lard."
Me: "Anyway, it's not eating biscuits, stupid. It's biscuit teams."
Brother: "huh?"
Me (thinking: how can brother possibly not know why blog is called biscuit report? Been called so for over a year. Also link on blog explaining name. Oh, right. Brother could not spell married surname until sometime last month. Though been married for 6 years, and brother lives in our household.) "Biscuits are teams of shrinks who figure out how best to torture people. they've got them at Gitmo."
Brother: "fun."


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