Friday, January 27, 2006

Does our country even deserve what freedom we have left?

NYTimes reports on a wiretapping poll:

In one striking finding, respondents overwhelmingly supported e-mail and telephone monitoring directed at "Americans that the government is suspicious of;" they overwhelmingly opposed the same kind of surveillance if it was aimed at "ordinary Americans."

The details:

"In the poll, 70 percent of respondents said they would not be willing to support governmental monitoring of the communications of "ordinary Americans"; 68 percent said they would be willing to support such monitoring of "Americans the government is suspicious of.""

So 40% of those polled cannot imagine that the government might, now or some time in the future, be suspicious of ordinary Americans. Alternately, those people have a very limited sense of what constitutes being an "ordinary American." I suspect people like me and you don't count.


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