What I'm Being Active About Right Now, and How You Too Can Be
is the most time-sensitive issue. The Post notes that, confident Alito will go through, the Bush administration has re-submitted another nominee previously filibustered to death, a guy named Brett Kavanaugh: "The Senate Judiciary Committee's eight Democrats complained last year that Kavanaugh took several months to answer their written questions about his qualifications. Other Democrats have noted that Kavanaugh, 40, has limited courtroom experience and helped independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr pursue the Monica S. Lewinsky case during the Clinton presidency." The New York Times' editorial opinion on Alito states "A filibuster is a radical tool. It's easy to see why Democrats are frightened of it. But from our perspective, there are some things far more frightening. One of them is Samuel Alito on the Supreme Court."
SO CALL YOUR GODDAMN SENATORS. Tell them you'll never give them any money again if they don't join the filibuster. And check out SaveTheCourt.org for more ideas on what to do. Today, people, TODAY!
is getting bigger press these days. Some right-wing mag said the Bushies are preparing for impeachment proceedings. Knight-Ridder says more and more people are openly discussing impeachment. A new Zogby poll puts support for impeachment at 52%, based on the illegal wiretapping. Jane Smiley warns that if the Bushies are preparing for impeachment, we should be careful not to impeach and lose the battle: "I am certain that they are planning to endure the impeachment process asap, so that when the Congress votes along party lines, as with Alito, they can say that the "failure to impeach" constitutes a "renewed mandate". Democrats and progressives, beware! My bet is he can't be impeached twice, no matter what the high crimes and misdemeanors are. No gambit is too outrageous for Rove, Bush, and Cheney, and they certainly have a plan to use impeachment to consolidate their power." This would be a reasonable argument, except that they'll probably manage to consolidate their power whatever we do, so we may as well go down kicking and screaming."
See my links here on ways you too can support impeachment. I am plastering little "IMPEACH" stickers all over our neighborhood, in addition to the usual write-call-tell your friends routine.
See my torture resources here. Think the torture thing was settled with the McCain Amendment? Think again. (Don't know what the McCain Amendment was? Shame on you. Pay a little bit more attention!)
Al Gore For President
2008 is still a long way off, but there's lots we can do now to start supporting the guy. Here are two websites for Gore supporters;
Al Gore 2008 Support Center
Al Gore 2008
Here is a Draft Gore petition.
Be sure to check out my Al Gore Love-A-Thon posts to read more about how great Al Gore is.
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