Wednesday, January 25, 2006

If the Dems cancel their Alito filibuster

Which, mind you, I'm not saying they will, because I'm pretty sure it's already a done deal, and I've even heard a totally unconfirmed rumor that Bush plans to nominate Marty Lederman instead, but just say they did decide to cancel it -- I agree with Orcinus :
I broke my longstanding policy of not donating money to political parties last fall when the folks from the DNC called and asked for money to help gird them for the upcoming fights over judicial seats. I was assured that indeed they would fight to keep right-wing extremists off the Supreme Court.

And now, faced with a clear-cut extremist (and dissembler) who is about to not only overturn the right to obtain an abortion, but also to pave the path for an imperial executive branch with limitless powers ... nothing.

I'm not terribly inclined, as my readers know, to use profanity in my posts. But if the Democratic Party wants any more of my money, they can just go fuck themselves.


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