Monday, September 18, 2006

forgive me, internets

but I did not know when I joined Content Challenge that I would be too busy digesting a buffalo to actually post regularly. Also, too busy trying to breathe.

Today I re-joined netflix, after some unpleasant customer experiences on their website, on which they asked me some information I couldn't possibly still know since the last time I belonged, three years ago. So then I called up the customer service line, where they said "before we connect you to a customer service representative, we require some information" -- said information being, of course, the exact information that I did not have which required that I call up their freakin' 800 number in the first place. "I don't fucking have the fucking number." I shouted into the phone, and got myself a customer service rep.

I was peevish with the rep, but then when I told her I'd joined the first time around because of my crappy-ass pregnancy, which was why I was joining this time around too, we bonded over complaints about morning sickness, the size and nauseatingness of iron pills, and how much we hated women women who enjoyed pregnancy. Then she gave me the two week free trial, even though I didn't technically qualify, having previously been a member.


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