Thursday, March 02, 2006

I am winning the spousal content challenge!

Max is one post behind me. However, I still have not managed to make it through my backlog of news and blogs (we went to the children's museum today, which is great except that it always gives me a migraine). So I have to admit that quality-wise, he is winning. I have absolutely no idea what happened today in the world, and I am afraid to start reading to find out, because I will look up and it will be 2 a.m. and I'll be hopping mad at everything and still have 54 blog posts to read. World: please stop making news for just a couple of days!

Okay, here goes with the reading:

Christ. Former Assistant commissioner of FDA women's health dept, who resigned in protest over Plan B, in WaPo:
It's been nearly three years since the first application came in to make Plan B emergency contraception available over the counter, so that women, including rape victims, could have a second chance to prevent an unintended pregnancy and the need for an abortion. How many chances have we missed? I still can't explain what is going on here, and why women 17 and older are still denied this product in a timely way. When did adult access to contraception become controversial? And why have we allowed it to happen?
This would be a good opportunity to make another plug for a book we will find ourselves needing more and more in the future: Taking Charge of Your Fertility, by Toni Weschler, which explains things they don't even teach you in med school about how human fertility works. If you are trying to get pregnant or trying not to get pregnant, buy this book. If you have a daughter, buy this book for her. (Yeah, even if she's only three. Put it in a closet somewhere, and then she'll have it when she needs it. Who knows what else she'll have, 15 years from now? )

Classic Bush: "No one ever imagined the levees would break!" Except for those people who were videotaped telling you about it, the day before. Bush said he'd send in people to help deal with the loss of property after the storm, and, oh yeah, hope no one dies, too.

Oh crap, I just told Max I was posting, so I'd better post now to stay ahead of him. More later. I haven't even said anything about David Brooks and Harvard yet. At least I"ve made it past the BBC this evening. Did you know that Antarctica is also losing tons of ice? we are so, so fucked, we humans.


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