Sunday, January 15, 2006


Fabulous - as in "Absolutely Fabulous", a show my ex-best friend and I used to find hilarious, though I am sure most of the humor was way too British for us to understand. (See 'ex-best friend')

Falsiness - the counterpart of Truthiness, a term apparently coined by Stephen Colbert. After the AP failed to credit him for the word's invention, he said the AP was the "No. 1 threat facing America." The original AP article had this to say about the meaning of truthiness: It is "the quality of stating concepts one wishes or believes to be true, rather than the facts." They also quote a lexicology professor, Michael Adams, who said it meant "truthy, not facty".

What's so great about falsiness and truthiness is that they are related, but not opposites, unlike True and False.

Florida -- the Insanest State in Insano-Land and the place I grew up. This week: SWAT team shoots 8-grader brandishing pellet gun.

James Frey - Poster boy du jour for the qualities of falsiness and truthiness, which is absurd, considering that there's a much more obvious and consequential person who really knows how to be both truthy and falsy.

FUBAR - Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition. Example: Man, the separation of powers in this country is totally FUBAR.


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