Global warming news, BBC vs. Washington Post
Greenland's ice is melting faster than we thought. That's the water that might shut down the gulf stream. If I were Europe, I'd be pretty damn worried. Oh wait, Europe IS pretty damn worried.
The BBC reports on two new studies of the warming without bothering to contact an industry shill for the 'other side'.
The Washington Post does at least identify its industry shill as an industry shill, which I guess must be Al Gore's influence at work:
Myron Ebell, director of energy and global warming policy at the libertarian Competitive Enterprise Institute, questioned why scientists are drawing broad conclusions from data covering such a short time span.Still, I'd prefer that to read "Fossil fuel industry shill Myron Ebell says 'don't worry, keep driving!'"
"We now have 'the sky is falling down' on the basis of a few years of data," said Ebell, whose group is partly funded by the fossil-fuel industry.
But the industry shill is right, as usual. The BBC and the Post are in a hype contest here.
When the earth gets back to where it was about 1000ad when the vikings saw a greenland and called it that because it was lush and green will we blam the cooling off of the world on chance and the warming back to where it was on! did man make it cool off?
It is important to look at climate over a long period of time not over a couple of years. Historically we are still in an ice age.
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