Michael Isikoff has a short article in Newsweek about the CIFA spy program. One interesting tidbit, relevant to us lowly bloggers:
Arkin says a close reading of internal CIFA documents suggests the agency may be expanding its Internet monitoring, and wants to be as surreptitious as possible. CIFA has contracted to buy "identity masking" software that would allow the agency to create phony Web identities and let them appear to be located in foreign countries, according to a copy of the contract with Computer Sciences Corp. (The firm declined to comment.)Does this mean nobody from Lapland is really reading our blog? Can I try to attract CIFA readers to artificially boost my hit count?
Dear CIFA: I am planning a HUGE protest that will put whatever military institution is most convenient to me at dire risk of having signs waved at it. There may even be a candlelight vigil involved. I will attack military recruiters with paper airplanes and bring my child to pester them to read The Cat in the Hat, over and over. We will shout "IMPEACH", "IMPEACH" over and over. Please check back often for details. Love, Amy
Hey, that's a GREAT idea. Using all those CIFA, FISA and TALON spy hits on a site to boost count. Finally, a good use for all their hardware, since apparently they'd rather use it on Quakers and kids at home than Bin Laden abroad.
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