Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Just go read Digby instead

Readers: I am engaged in learning how to make a passable loaf of bread. We biscuits are bread snobs, so this is not as easy as it might seem. I have been baking bread for many years, of course, but my skills are nothing special -- it's bread, wholesome enough, but unimpressive, and no substitute for the professional loaves of our local artisan bakery.

Anyway, this is time-consuming. Also, there's the two-year-old -- time-consuming.

Please go read Digby's last twenty posts in the meantime.

that is all.


At 8:20 PM, Blogger R J Keefe said...

I drove myself crazy for years trying to bake something that the shops sold as "Italian manor bread," in wrapped hunks of some unimaginably large loaf. It wasn't rye and it may have been sourdough; it was light brown in color but had no whole-wheat flavor. What am I saying? I never even got so far as to find a recipe!


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