Saturday, July 09, 2005


I would be remiss if I did not link to and heartily urge you to read Jane Mayer's new New Yorker article about what Biscuit teams are doing in Guantanamo and elsewhere. Unfortunately it's not online. You can get a taste from the Q&A they've published on their website and a brief Democracy Now interview with Mayer.

To those who don't know it already, the Biscuit Report was named after Biscuit Teams. When I first read about Biscuit teams, many months ago, I was overcome with revulsion to see the uses to which psychiatry has been put for the dubious benefit of the War on Terror.


At 11:23 AM, Blogger R J Keefe said...

It is maddening to read Ms Mayer's report and yet to know that no one involved appears even to be anxious about facing criminal charges. Our government is wholly out to lunch.


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