Monday, June 13, 2005

Yes, You Can Make a Difference

Twice (here, and here )complained on this blog about Salon's introduction of a new weekly column called "Object Lust." Farhad Manjoo, of Salon, actually posted a comment in response to my first complaint, having, I assume, followed the Technorati link from the bottom of the first column. I responded with, if I do say so myself, a smackdown, which I also emailed to him, figuring he probably wasn't coming back to the blog to read my response.

He did not respond to my email (and that's not a complaint, I'm certain he has better things to do, and did not expect a response). However, I would like to point out that Salon has run exactly two "Object Lust" columns, May 18, and May 25, and then, it seems, has quietly dropped the idea. I am sure it had nothing to do with my objections, of course, but for just a minute I'll sit here, pretend it did, and feel effective.


At 2:27 AM, Blogger Farhad said...

Hi Amy. You're simply wrong about that. Object Lust still runs on Wednesdays; Salon has published four so far. You seem to have missed Mary Elizabeth Williams' fantastic ode to Veggie Booty, which ran on June 8, and my own short piece on the Susi garlic crusher, which was published on June 1.

Also: I do remember commenting here initially, but can't remember getting your e-mail response. Sorry about that -- I'll take your word that it was a smackdown.


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