Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Digby on John Tierney's hideous NYT column

and horse cocks:
Now it seems that the moral Red Staters have finally decided to admit that they love a good horse cock joke as much as the next guy and that's just fine with me. I always knew they did. We're all about horse cock jokes in this country, from sea to shining sea. Nothing makes a First Lady more downhome and fun than talking about horse cocks on TV. Bring 'em on. Horse cocks for everyone.

But I'd really appreciate it if they'd can the phony sanctimony from now on and shut the fuck up about "Desperate Housewives" and dirty talk on TV. If it's ok for the First Lady of the United States to joke publicly about her husbands limp dick and jerking off farm animals then it's ok for Whoopie Goldberg and everybody else to make Bush jokes.
Sorry, Digby, no dice. Those people have different standards for themselves and for everyone else. If they do it, it's okay. If other people do it, it's not. This sounds suspiciously like moral relativism, but don't worry, it's not. It's the far more common money-and-power relativism, as described in the following golden rule: 'Anally rape others as you would not want to be anally raped, and then arrest them for sodomy.'


At 8:54 AM, Blogger R J Keefe said...

The return of John Tierney to the Times's opinion fold has been very depressing. Tierney is smart and somewhat raw, but this amounts to nothing but a new route to the same-old, same-old.

What difference does Laura Bush make? No matter what she says?

At 10:44 PM, Blogger Popeye said...

When Tierney said, "They don't see anything the matter with that - or with themselves" he had it more right than wrong. Do the Bushs matter, well, yes they do. For one thing they currently have the levers of power. Giving some thought to what it is about George and Laura that appeals to about half the voting public would likely be more productive than any heartburn over the fact that they have some appeal. Everything is marketing when it comes to politics, even the best and purest ideas have to marketed and that Bush's opponents have done a poor job of lately.


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