Tuesday, March 01, 2005

DLC: MoveOn Evil, Full of Geeky Elitists Who Hate Freedom

Stuff the DLC says, here:
"You've got to reject Michael Moore and the MoveOn crowd," DLC CEO Al From said in an interview about how the Democratic Party should rebuild after 2004.  From argued that the anti-war Moore and MoveOn have hurt the party on national security, the issue which he says the party needs to make "central to our cause."  Rank-and-file Democrats "are more like us than MoveOn," which From called a group of "elites, people who sit in their basements all the time and play on their computers."
Marshall Wittman chimes in that bloggers are having a possibly pernicious effect on political discourse and "noting that bloggers 'haven't quite won any of their battles' except helping Dean get elected DNC chair." And due to what other army of citizens, pray tell, does Mr. Wittman think that Sinclair News backed down on its Kerry smear campaign, that Democrats got balls and voted against Alberto Gonzales (after claiming they probably wouldn't), that 'Jeff Gannon' is no longer 'reporting' from the White House, and so on?

I continue to be surprised to find that MoveOn is considered super left-wing. It's not the Socialist Workers' Party, for god's sake. And while there are lots of things that annoy me about Michael Moore, he is also not the Socialist Workers' Party. After the way we all worked our asses off for Kerry, it makes me sick to see the ungrateful slobs at the DLC dismiss us 'elites' and claim to be more like the 'rank-and-file' than we are. I didn't spend the week before the election sitting on my ass at a computer in my basement -- I spent it walking door-to-door in poor neighborhoods in my Florida hometown, getting out the goddamn Democratic vote for a candidate who took positions to the right of those I'd prefer on nearly every major policy issue. If not for us elites, you fuckers, Kerry would have lost by far more than he did.

Oh, and by the way, Senator Kerry: um, not supporting you again in 2008. Why don't you take a deep breath and resolve to be the best goddamn liberal senator from Massachusetts you can be. Stop giving a shit, throw your medals over the fence, make out with Jane Fonda, and do some obstructing. What have you got to lose?


At 1:03 PM, Blogger max said...

Disgusting! The same vile dialectic (demonizing "elitists") that the Republicans use. Yecch, and here we have politicians I used to admire like Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer saying we need to move to the right too. At least our beloved Barney Frank (the US Rep degli Biscotti) is not budging.

Back to the dialectic: nearly everyone is saying that politics is now polarized between the right and the left at opposite extremes. Let me tell you Merkins something: There is no substantial left wing in US politics. The furthest left-wing Democratic politician would register squarely in the center of the spectrum in nearly any other industrial democracy.

At 2:47 PM, Blogger R J Keefe said...

This is how the Republicans win. Republicans would listen to official condemnations of MoveOn and Michael Moores of the right. Why can't we be nice, like the Republicans?


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