Monday, February 14, 2005


Digby discusses the Jeff Gannon story here. Gannon, you may recall, is the 'reporter' who called the Democrats "divorced from reality" during a question at a recent Bush press conference, after which he was discovered to be using an alias. Oh, and also a male prostitute. No, really.

Now, I continue not to have problems with gay men, prostitution, S&M, etc. Nor do I think anything will actually come of this story, other than some further sniping at liberal bloggers for being allegedly homophobic for even suggesting it might be relevant that someone with White House press credentials is at the same time a working prostitute. I have absolutely no hopes that anything discovered about this administration will bring them down. This story is just one more illustration of the extent to which these people believe, and so far, correctly, that they are untouchable. Torture, yeah, we do it. You got a problem with that? Oh, gay prostitutes writing anti-gay screeds for Republican-financed 'news sites'? Whatever. Oh, we paid members of the media to say nice stuff about us. So? WMDs never found -- what, you think Muslims don't deserve freedom and democracy?

They lie, and they are caught in their lies, and everything blows over, and they just don't care. They erode public confidence in the media so that most people have no idea what's true anymore anyway, and they say and do whatever they feel like.

No big story is going to save us, people. Even one involving gay sex for sale.


At 9:57 AM, Blogger R J Keefe said...

This what bewilders so many people: minor scandals that would have ended careers (think of Wilbur Mills) a few decades ago, or led to impeachment even more recently, are inconsequential now. I fear that the problem lies with the conservative half of the country, which has resolved to respond to each new bombshell by shouting "Liberal Bias!" and pretending that nothing happened.


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