Thursday, February 24, 2005

Lie of the Day: Iraq Election was Victory for Women's Liberation

Jim Hoagland at WaPo complains that feminists should be "shouting from the rooftops" about Iraq's election results and what they mean for the "liberation" of Iraqi women.

Um. Ask Riverbend what she thinks about that.

Western feminists are not shouting from the rooftops about the election in Iraq because it was not a victory for women's liberation, but a victory for those who want to turn the country into Iran.

But why bother about reality when you can instead write a column that takes down "feminists" for being anti-American and doctrinaire in their opposition to war, praise President Bush for his revolutionary approach to middle east politics, mislead the brainless American public about the actual result of the Iraqi elections, and make those 'security moms' feel good about their "W stands for Women" bumper stickers?


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