Passive aggressive Neurosurgeons
I love this. Two neurosurgeons write an Op-Ed about tort reform, and they use the passive-aggressive's favorite "not mentioning any names" tactic:
Hurting Care, and Lives (
Many of our potential leaders understand this problem and the House of Representatives has more than once passed a tort reform bill that would limit awards for noneconomic damages to slow the upward spiral in malpractice premiums. President Bush has promised to sign the legislation, but each time the measure comes to the Senate for a vote, certain senators filibuster, effectively killing the measure. When one considers the enormous amount of money being handed out to these senators by certain special-interest groups, such as the American Trial Lawyers Association, one of the most influential political action committees in Washington, their actions are understandable, although unhelpful.
"Certain senators filibuster."
Oh c'mon now guys, why don't you just go ahead and name names?
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