Friday, December 10, 2004

Get ready for manufactured domestic crisis propaganda!

From WaPo. Here's the good stuff:
President Bush is moving quickly to create a new, tighter and more disciplined domestic policy team to pursue transforming the way Americans save for retirement, pay taxes and seek legal damages.

Convinced his leadership style and policy vision were vindicated by the election results, Bush is aggressively targeting these domestic programs for the second term by essentially replicating the formula he used to reshape foreign policy in the first. This includes creating a small, loyal and trustworthy team to press for broad changes largely dictated by the White House.

To build public support and circumvent critics in Congress and the media, the president will travel the country and warn of the disastrous consequences of inaction, as he did to sell his Iraq and terrorism policies during the first term, White House officials said. He is also enlisting well-funded conservative groups such as the Heritage Foundation to help build the case for change -- or "reform," in the words of the White House -- through ads and commentary on television and in targeted publications, the aides said.


During the first term, Republicans saw Bush's domestic policy team as sometimes weak and unfocused. Bush himself occasionally grew frustrated by what one administration official called "independent thinking" of department heads such as former Treasury secretary Paul H. O'Neill.


A former White House official said: "On all levels, the administration in Term 2 is promoting people who owe their careers to this president -- people are forced to be loyal."

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) has been tapped to assist Bush in promoting the agenda.


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