Bill Moyers quotes Hitler, exposes Bush propaganda machine
From the transcript of his last PBS Broadcast of NOW: "As usual, we're not making this up. It's all on the record. And thanks to a front page story in the NEW YORK TIMES this week, we have also learned of a debate raging in the corridors of the Pentagon. Seems some folks there want to go even further in using lies and misinformation to manipulate public opinion abroad.
We have news for them. A former corporal in the German army learned how to do that first. In his gospel of MEIN KAMPF, the future fuehrer of Nazi Germany wrote that, 'The great masses of people…will more easily fall victim to a great lie than to a small one.'"
Read the whole transcript, for even more stuff to keep you awake at night.
"An evil exists that threatens every man, woman, and child of this great nation. We must take steps to ensure our domestic security and protect our homeland."
Actually, Bush's writers can't take credit for that line. It is actually a quote of Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler staged an attack as well and blamed it on communist terrorists. Shortly after, he passed the Enabling Act, which completely eradicated the the German constitution, destroying people's liberties. He then led a series of preemptive wars that were justified to the German people as necessary to maintaining HOMELAND SECURITY.
the control freaks that try to control who we are and what we think do the same to our western governments. the world bankers have been at it since the the first main conflicts. they want to control the world and use the hegel dialectic to get what they desire .... this will end one day when we remove the blindfold of blind trust and faith and will lead to a new era of freedom.
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