Good News!!
I’m sure most of our readers have seen the new poll numbers from CNN and New Hampshire. I would post the links but I haven’t figured out how to do that yet. You can get them from the Wes Clark web log. [Or go here and here -- Amy] The bottom line is that we are moving the numbers up. The CNN poll has Dean at 24% and Clark at 20% within the margin of error of the poll. The tracking poll in N.H. has Clark at 16% and Kerry at 13%. I think that the "tipping point" for the nation's tolerance for Dean has been reached. It took a long time, mostly because the media bought into the proposition fostered by his campaign that Dean’s gaffes were really just honest blunt statements of fact. His supporters certainly think that. In the last two weeks we have seen some in the media question that premise and raise the issue that we at this blog and many others have been pushing for a long time, that Dean because of his personality and temperament is unelectable. (Not to mention the hole in his resume, discussed in a previous post on this site.)
The shit is now going to hit the fan. Clark has been under the radar screen of the other candidates for a while now, and that’s going to change. Dean is already planning to use surrogates to go negative on Clark, and the other candidates will follow. So will the Republicans, who do not want to see a Clark candidacy. Look for dirty tricks to come from the Rove machine such as a move by Republicans to vote in the Democratic primary in states where they can. And those won’t be Clark votes! The Generals also will be trotted out for an encore, as will the old standby "he’s not a real Democrat." And my response to that is: you are damned right he’s not a Democrat, he’s an American with democratic ideas who appeals to a broad spectrum of the electorate. Thirty years ago he could have run as a Rockefeller Republican but, since they are essentially extinct, he is running as a Clintonian Democrat; and, believe me, that still has a lot of appeal in this country.
Our job is just beginning. Our numbers are up, the momentum is ours, but we have to keep working and keep moving in the right direction. Letters to the editor are important, as are volunteers to go to the primary states, We can’t let up. The next three weeks are critical. Let's all get out there and make this happen for the sake of our children and grandchildren, and for the sake of our country.
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